World Day for Cultural Diversity


A subject that always stirs my interest and activism. Accused during my teenage years in communist Romania of being “too cosmopolitan” and interrogated by the overly nationalistic authorities, as a consequence, at the age of seventeen, I can say I have been keeping a very keen interest in other cultures than mine for all of my adult life.

I was looking with a pleased smile over the suggestions of the UNESCO Facebook campaign “Do One Thing For Diversity and Inclusion” for this day – pleased because I have checked almost all those thought starters for individuals.

It’s no wonder to me that destiny has led me live in one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods that I have ever encountered. Jersey City, at least its downtown, where my home is, not only has that refreshing urban variety that I have always favored, but it is also amazingly tolerant and peaceful. (Maybe I shouldn’t say amazingly, but unfortunately tolerance seems not to be yet the working norm in the world). I have no doubt that this harmonious patchwork of cultures has a lot to do with the fact that the place has become a thriving hub for a lot of free-spirited, creative people attracted by the affordability of living in a place so close to Manhattan.

I can only hope that more and more neighborhoods in the US and the world will become just as welcoming and peaceful.


I now live in a much less culturally diverse area than I had previously and it's like eating a bland meal. I miss the spice and flavor and hope that I can show my kids enough of other cultures that they understand how important the mix is.
Alina S. Tarmu said…
How funny, I was just thinking about you, Lisa. Thinking that you seem to live in that natural paradise that I so often crave. But guess what, tomorrow is the international day of biological diversity... ;)
Big hugs and thank you for taking the time for reading my blog.

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